REMINDER: Don't forget to sign up for our inaugural Congress pre-day event. We have put together a simple program to achieve the following goals:
To learn more about the pre-day program and to register to attend go to this link to get your free ticket. If you are a Louisville local please share this opportunity with your network.
CNU27 CNU-MCC Schedule There are a number of sessions at CNU27 that the CNU-MCC is hosting, or CNU-MCC members are leading. Here's a list of dates, times, and venues that you can add to your schedule. WEDNESDAY: JUNE 11 Loving Our Neighbor[hood] (2:00 - 7:00 PM, Sojourn Church, Louisville.) To learn more about CNU-MCC's CNU27 pre-day event and to register go to this link. THURSDAY: JUNE 13 Annual CNU-MCC Prayer-Breakfast and Business Meeting (7-9 AM, SeelBach, Medallion A): Annual breakfast meet and greet & prayer is 7-8 AM followed by the business meeting 8-9 AM. This year the term for several leadership committee members end and we will be electing new members. More information will be forthcoming in the June newsletter. Norton Commons Tour (9:00 AM - Noon, see program for cost and details) - Mike Watkins. Special Program: CNU Open (2:15 - 3:30 PM, Henry Clay, Beaux Arts Room) "Making Connections Session" - Dr. Chris Elisara, UN-Habitat Faith Based-Urban Thinkers Campus - USA. New Urbanism Film Festival and CNU Chapter Screenings (and Bourbon!) (7:00 - 9:00 PM, Jim Bean Urban Stillhouse, 404 S. 4th Street). - John Paget, Josh Paget, Dr. Chris Elisara. FRIDAY: JUNE 14 Member led Session - Re-Designing Church for the 21st Century: Big Box to Walkable Neighborhoods (12:30 - 1:45 PM, Embassy, Edison II). - Nathan Norris & Lead Pastor of Century Church, Patrick M. Quinn. SATURDAY: JUNE 15 Open Innovations: Faiths for Urbanism (2:30 - 3:45 PM, Seelbach, Mezzanine A/B) - Sara Joy Proppe, Dr. Christopher Miller, Patrick Duggan, Dr. Chris Elisara. ADD TO THE LIST . . . Members, if you want a session you're involved in added to this list--a final list will be posted closer to CNU27--e-mail us the details at [email protected]. Project UpdateIn our September 2017 newsletter, Jay Hoekstra wrote a "Thought Piece" about the Restoration Row Project in Grand Rapids Michigan he was involved in (you can review the article here). This is a brief update on that story. The Inner City Christian Federation began construction last December and occupancy should begin by the end of this year! There will be 65 apartments, 61 of them for low income households, 17 of the 61 will be for young adults in a program by Bethany Christian services for those too old for foster homes. Businesses will be back with six ground-floor live work storefronts. The buildings will be energy efficient and durable — LEED Silver. The graphic shows change from December 2018 through April 2019. (Jay Hoekstra) News & EventsAnnual CNU-MCC Prayer-Breakfast and Business Meeting: This will be held at CNU27 on Thursday morning, June 13. The breakfast meet-greet-& prayer is 7-8 AM followed by the business meeting 8-9am. More details will be provided in future newsletters. Communities of Faith and Affordable Housing: A Project by Lee Hardy, Calvin College. Lee recently received a generous grant from the Calvin Institute for Christian Worship to study the various ways communities of faith have endeavored to support and supply affordable housing in their neighborhoods. Part of the research will be conducted in the city of Groningen, the Netherlands, in connection with the long tradition of courtyard housing (“hofjes”) built by religious communities, both Catholic an Protestant, to house the poor, the elderly, the infirm, and the indigent. The other part of the research will be conducted in North America, examining different models churches and religious nonprofits have pursued in the provision of affordable housing, especially in gentrifying neighborhoods. Lee intends on publishing and presenting the results of his research in various venues, including pulling all the material together for a page on the CNU-MCC's website. If you have any questions about Lee's project we encourage you to reach out to him. CCDA Annual Conference: Oct. 9-12, 2019 (Dallas). This is the premiere Christian Community development organization's annual conference. Several CNU-MCC members are members of CCDA and have been working on building bridges with CNU and adding New Urbanism to CCDA's toolkit. 10th World Urban Forum (WUF10): Abu Dhabi, 8 to 13 February 2020: The World Urban Forum, which is convened by UN-Habitat, is the world’s most important conference on cities. As a non-legislative forum open to all, it provides the opportunity for thousands of participants involved in all aspects of urbanization to share practices and knowledge on how cities are built, planned and managed. Participants include national, regional and local government, NGOs, community based organizations, research institutions, the private sector, development finance institutions, the media, UN agencies and other stakeholders. There will be a significant Christian and faith-based programing at WUF10. To learn more about WUF10 go to this link. Get InvolvedCNU-MCC CONTRIBUTION EDITOR FOR THE NEW URBAN WORLD JOURNAL:
CNU-MCC is now a regular contributor on urbanism and design in the New Urban World Journal published biannually by the Urban Shalom Society. We are looking for someone with writing and editorial experience to plan and manage the content for each issue. To read the current issue of the journal go to this link. If you are interested in this service opportunity please reach out to us. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR AN ARTICLE FOR THE NEW URBAN WORLD JOURNAL The next issue of The New Urban World Journal (see above for more information) is on the topic of urbanism and creation care. If you would like to contribute an article for this issue please send an email to [email protected]. SEND US YOUR NEWS AND EVENTS: If you have news or an event you'd like members to know about please send that information to [email protected] so we can include it in our newsletters. HELPING HANDS NEEDED: Interested in helping the CNU-MCC with web and communication needs? Please contact us!
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